Tag Archives: baking

Roman bread from Germania Inferior

Last July The Lower German Limes was added to the Unesco World Heritage List. What [...]

Renaissance Cherry Pie

When cherries are in season, there are a few historical cherry dishes that I make [...]

Oldest Dutch Apple Pie

Last summer, when I went to the historical garden Warmoes, where I harvest fruit and [...]

Farinata & Cecina: chickpea flour pancake

The simplest recipes are often the tastiest. As is for farinata, or cecina: a savoury [...]

Bakewell tart…or pudding?

This article was written by Lorin Posthumus, intern at eat!history. She also took the pictures [...]

Tea time tradition: Scones

This article was written by Lorin Posthumus, intern at eat!history. She also took the pictures [...]

Mince pies: A Christmas tradition

This article was written by Lorin Posthumus, intern at eat!history. She also took the pictures [...]