Renaissance Recipes
The 16th century is a special century in many ways, but especially in food. This is a time in which new ingredients reached Europe and chefs are starting to cook with citrus fruits and prepare their own pasta. A new culinary trend is set in Italy and it was soon adopted in the rest of Europe. Innovative cookbooks by, for instance, Maestro Martino and Bartolomeo Scappi are created in Italy. They are full of dishes that these chefs cooked for popes and cardinals. The recipes still have a touch of the Middle Ages but you can already see a pinch of the ‘Golden Age’ of the 17th century. Elsewhere in Europe delicious cookbooks came on the market as well.
Would you like to put the culinary trend of the 16th century on your table? Try the dishes that I have already rewritten for you for modern use down below. You find more Renaissance recipes on my Dutch website, or come and cook them with me during the Historical Cooking Week in Tuscany. If you have difficulties to find medieval ingredients, check out this webshop.