Category Archives: 20th century recipes

20th century recipes. Historical recipes from the 20th century.

Eating flower bulbs during Second World War

Every year on the 4th of May, Dutch Second World War Remembrance Day, I give [...]

Bean Dip from the Second World War

Legumes have been at the base of our eating habits for centuries. They are very [...]

Chocolate pudding from the Second World War

Emergency stock During the summer of 2018, a whole stockpile of (mostly tinned) food from [...]

Farinata & Cecina: chickpea flour pancake

The simplest recipes are often the tastiest. As is for farinata, or cecina: a savoury [...]

Poularde Albufera

A while ago, Museum Willet-Holthuysen in Amsterdam dared culinary enthusiasts to cook a meal from [...]